Patrick Michl

Member / Founder


I’m a passionate mathematician, obsessive software developer and convinced enthusiast! As a mathematician my special vice is the connection of statistics with differential geometry to create a new branch of statistics that serves as the foundation for structured data analysis, like deep learning. As a developer I’m propelled by AutoML and cloud-assisted meta programming. My attitude and interests are firmly shaped by my highly appreciated former mentors Willy Jäger and Karlheinz Meier.


    AI Revolution: Deep Learning and what´s next?

    When talking about the “AI Revolution” it’s difficult to narrow down a common denominator. This is not only because science fiction didn’t prepare us for our first real encounters with AI, but also due to the many and varied accessions, ranging from hopes to fears. ... read more

    Old wine in smart bottles

    Since almost 10 years the rate of data science publications has been growing enormously! For scientists and developers, it is therefore becoming more and more difficult to keep track of suitable current approaches. ... read more

    How to tame the Plug Jumble

    Online analytical processing and predictive analytics in combination with machine learning provides a new challenge in data-warehousing: The response time for large transactions of data from different domains. ... read more

    Three obstacles in data science and one vision

    For the current development- and exploration process in data science three obstacles in particular appear as outstanding hurdles, when it comes up to realize projects - and even more, when it comes up to venture collaborations. ... read more

    Welcome at Frootlab

    We are a young developers team with strong expertise in data science and networking technologies. Our vision is a democratic and federated AI-Revolution, that does not lead to exclusion or incapacitation, but promotes public well-being, social justice and social cohesion. ... read more
